
Saturday 10 November 2012

Engineering Chemistry

(Established under section 3 of UGC Act, 1956)

Course & Branch: B.E/ B. Tech – Common to ALL Branches
Title of the paper: Engineering Chemistry
Semester: I                                                                  Max. Marks: 80     
Sub.Code: 6C0072 (2007)                                          Time: 3 Hours
Date: 14-05-2008                                                         Session: AN      

    PART – A                   (10 x 2 = 20)
Answer All the Questions

1.     What are scales and sludges? Give its chemical composition.
2.     What is break-point chlorination?

3.     Distinguish between electrolytic and electrochemical cell.
4.     What is electromotive series? Write its significance.

5.     Why steel screws in a brass marine hardware corrode?

6.     Give any four pretreatment methods of metal surfaces before coating.

7.     What is RDX?

8.     What is liquid propellant? Give example.

9.     Define antioxidant. Give two examples.

10.   What is the use of monosodium glutamate and saccharin?

     PART – B                                  (5 x 12 = 60)
Answer All the Questions

11.   (a) Describe in detail the ion-exchange process of softening hard water?
(b) What are boiler troubles? How are they caused? Suggest steps to minimize the boiler troubles.
12.   (a) Explain the steps involved in the domestic water treatment.
(b) Explain the modern method with a neat diagram to convert sea water to soft water.

13.   (a) What is single electrode potential? How the single electrode potential of Zn is measured using saturated calomel electrode? (b) Write the applications of emf series. How the solubility of sparingly soluble salt is determined?
14.   (a) How the emf of a cell can be determined by potentiometric method?
(b) Explain potentiometric titrations using ferrous/ferric systems.

15.   (a) Differentiate chemical and electrochemical corrosion with suitable examples.
(b) Describe the mechanism of differential aeration corrosion, taking pitting as an example.
16.   (a) How do you control corrosion by proper designing and selection of materials.
(b) Explain electroless plating with a suitable example.

17.   (a) Write the classification of explosive. Give examples with uses.
(b) Write the preparation of TNT and Nitroglycerine with uses.
18.   (a) How the propellants are classified? Explain any two.
(b) Compare solid and liquid propellants.

19.   (a) Give the biochemical effects of carbon monoxide and lead.
(b) What is food additive? Why they are added? Give three examples.

20.   (a) Write note on preservatives with example.
(b) Write the risk analysis of diethyl pyrocarbonate and butylated hydroxyanisole.

Mechanics of Machines

(Established under section 3 of UGC Act, 1956)

Course & Branch: B.E - Mechanical & Production/ Aeronautical  
Title of the paper: Mechanics of Machines
Semester: IV                                                               Max. Marks: 80     
Sub.Code: 6C0070                                                     Time: 3 Hours
Date: 28-04-2008                                                         Session: FN       

                                                PART – A                       (10 x 2 = 20)
Answer All the Questions

1.     Define: Grashoff’s law.

2.     Draw a four bar mechanism and show that it has one degree of freedom as per Kutzbach criterion.

3.     What is meant by balancing?

4.     What is the cause for swaying coupling?

5.     Construct the displacement diagram for the follower motion to be cycloidal.

6.     Define law of gearing?  

7.     Write the equation to determine the efficiency of a screw jack.

8.     Define velocity ratio.

9.     What is viscous damping?

10.   Define single degree of freedom.

PART – B                       (5 x 12 = 60)
Answer All the Questions

11.   Sketch and explain the following inversions of a double slider crank chain.     
        (i) Elliptic trammel
        (ii) Scotch yoke mechanism
        (iii) Oldham’s coupling.
12.   A four bar linkage has following dimensions:
        Crank AO2 = 150mm                      Link AB = 450 mm
        Link BO4 = 300 mm                       Link O2O4 = 200 mm
        Link O2O4 is fixed.
Find the angular acceleration of links AB and BO4 when  the crank is rotating with a constant angular velocity of 200 rad/s counter clockwise and also positioned 45° to horizontal.

13.   Four masses m1= 90 kg; m2 = 180 kg; m3 = 210 kg and m4 = 140 kg are fixed to the cranks of 250 mm radius and revolve in planes 1,2,3 and 4 respectively.  The angular position of the cranks in the planes 2,3 and 4 with respect to the crank in plane 1 are 70°, 140° and 245° taken in the same sense.  The distance of planes 2,3 and 4 from plane 1 are 500 mm, 1500 mm and 2500 mm respectively.  Determine the position and magnitude of the balancing mass at the radius at 300 mm in planes L and M located at the middle of planes 1 and 2 and middle of planes 3 and 4 respectively.
14.   A four cylinder  vertical engine has cranks 300 mm long.  The planes of rotation of the first, third and fourth cranks are 750 mm, 1050mm and 1650 mm respectively from that of the second crank and their reciprocating masses are 150 kg, 400 kg and 250 kg respectively.  Find the mass of the reciprocating parts for the second cylinder and relative angular position of the cranks in order that the engine may be in complete primary balance.

15.   The following data are for the a disc cam mechanism with roller follower:
        Minimum radius of the cam   =      35 mm.
        Lift of the follower                 =      40 mm.
        Roller diameter                       =      15 mm.
        Cam rotation angles are as mentioned below:
                        During ascent = 120°,    Dwell = 80°
                        During descent = 80°,     Dwell = 80°
        Cam rotates in clockwise direction and the follower motion is uniform acceleration during both ascent and descent.  Draw the displacement diagram and cam profile of the follower and indicate the relevant data.
16.   A pair of involute spur gears with 16° pressure angle and pitch of module 6 mm is in mesh.  The number of teeth in pinion is 16 and its rotational speed is 240 rpm.  The gear ratio is 1.75.  In order to avoid the interference, determine
                (iv) Addenda on pinion and wheel.
                (v) Length of path of contact.
(vi) Maximum velocity of sliding on either side of pitch point.

17.   A square threaded bolt of root diameter 22.5 mm and pitch 5 mm is tightened by screwing a nut whose mean diameter of bearing surface is 50 mm.  If the coefficient of friction between nut and bolt is 0.1 and nut and bearing surface is 0.16, determine the force required at the end of spanner 500 mm long when the load on the bolt is 10 kN.
18.   A belt drive is required to transmit 12 kW from a motor running at 720 rpm.  The belt is 12 mm thick and has a mass density of 0.003 gm/mm3. Safe stress in the belt is not to exceed 2.5 N/mm2. Diameter of driving pulley is 250 mm where as the speed of the driven pulley is 240 rpm.  The two shafts are 1.25 m apart.  Coefficient of friction is 0.25.  Determine the width of the belt.

19.   A cantilever shaft of 50 mm diameter, 300 mm long has a disc of 100 kg attached to the free end.  The Young’s modulus is 200 GN/m2. Determine (i) Frequency of longitudinal vibration (ii) Frequency of transverse vibration.
20.   A shaft 25 mm diameter and 0.5 m long carries a mass of 2 kg at its mid point. The density of shaft material = 40 x 103 kg/m3, E = 200 GN/m2. Assume shaft is freely supported.  Calculate the whirling speed of shaft?

Machine Drawing

(Established under section 3 of UGC Act, 1956)

Course & Branch: B.E - Mechanical / Mechanical& Production/
Title of the paper: Machine Drawing
Semester: III                                                               Max. Marks: 80     
Sub.Code: 15307(2002/2003/2004/2005)/6C0067            Time: 3 Hours
Date: 06-05-2008                                                         Session: AN      

                                                PART – A                       (30)
Answer All the Questions

1.     A steel pin having a normal diameter of 30mm is to be an easy running fit in the bore of a bronze bush. Sketch free hand         indicating the limit dimensions for the steel pin and the bore of the bush.                                                                                  (10)

2.     Draw the three views of ISO threaded hexagonal bolt 150mm     long, 24mm diameter and a thread length of 60mm with a    hexagonal nut. Indicate all the proportions and the calculated      dimensions.                                                                             (10)

3.     Sketch the symbols for the following characteristics used for      form tolerances
(a) Symmetry                  (b) Perpendicular            (c) Coaxiality (d) Straightness            (e) Circularity.                                (5)

4.     Sketch the conventional representation for the following machine         elements.
        1. External threads
        2. Helical torsion spring
        3. Disc spring
        4. Bevel gears
        5. Rack and pinion                                                                  (5)
PART – B                       (1 x 50 = 50)
Answer All the Questions

5.     The detail of a screw jack is shown in the figure. Assemble the   parts of the jack and draw the following views of the assembly.
1. Front view in half section.
        2. Top view.

Fluid Mechanics & Machinery

(Established under section 3 of UGC Act, 1956)

Course & Branch: B.E - Mechanical/ Mechanical & Production/ Aeronautical
Title of the paper: Fluid Mechanics & Machinery
Semester: III                                                               Max. Marks: 80     
Sub.Code: 6C0066                                                     Time: 3 Hours
Date: 29-04-2008                                                         Session: AN      

                                                PART – A                       (10 x 2 = 20)
Answer All the Questions

1.     Define specific gravity of a fluid.
2.     State Newton’s law of viscosity.

3.     State Bernoulli’s theorem for steady flow of an incompressible fluid.

4.     What is the difference between a notch and a weir?

5.     What are hydraulic coefficients? Name them.

6.     Explain the term: Equivalent pipe.

7.     Why priming of pump is necessary?

8.     Define slip of a reciprocating pump.

9.     What is a draft tube?

10.   Differentiate between the turbines and pumps.

PART – B                               (5 x 12 = 60)
Answer All the Questions

11.   (a) The capillary rise in the glass tube is not to exceed 0.2mm of water. Determine its minimum size, given that surface tension for water in contact with air is 0.0725 N/m.                              (4)

(b) A flat plate of area 1.5 x 104 cm2 is pulled with a speed of 0.4 m/s relative to another plate located at a distance of 0.15mm form it. Find the force and power required to maintain this speed, if the fluid separating them is having viscosity as 0.1 Ns/m2.         (8)
12.   (a) define the following: Buoyancy and Metacentre.            (4)

(b) A uniform body of size 3m long x 2m wide x 1m deep floats in water. What is the weight of the body if the depth of immersion is 0.8m? Determine the metacentric height.      (8)

13.   (a) state the assumptions made in the derivation of Bernoulli’s equation.                                                                                         (4)

        (b) The water is flowing through a pipe having diameters 20 cm and 10cm at a section 1 and 2 respectively. The rate of flow through the pipe is 35 1/s. the section 1 is 6m above datum and section 2 is 4m above datum. If the pressure at section 1 is 39.24 N/cm2, find the intensity of pressure at section 2.                   (8)
14.   (a) A horizontal venturimeter with inlet diameter 20cm and throat diameter 10cm is used to measure the flow of water. The pressure at inlet is 17.658 N/cm2 and  the vacuum pressure at the throat is 30cm of mercury. Find the discharge of water through Venturimeter. Take Cd=0.98                                                   (8)

        (b) What are the advantages of triangular notch over the rectangular notch?                                                                     (4)

15.   (a) Calculate (i) the pressure gradient along flow,
(ii) the average velocity, and
(iii) the discharge for an oil of viscosity 0.02 Ns/m2 flowing between two stationary parallel plates 1m wide maintained 1cm apart. The velocity midway between the plate is 2m/s.          (9)
(b) A rectangular orifice 0.9m wide and 1.2m deep is discharging water form a vessel. The top edge of the orifice is 0.6m below the water surface in the vessel. Calculate the discharge through the orifice if coefficient of discharge is 0.6.                                       (3)
16.   The difference in water surface levels in two tanks, which are connected by three pipes in series of lengths 300m, 170m and 210m and of diameter 30cm, 20cm, 40cm respectively is 12m. Determine the rate of flow of water if coefficient of friction are 0.005, 0.0052 and 0.0048 respectively, considering:
(a) minor losses also               (b) neglecting minor losses.

17.   The cylinder bore diameter of a single acting reciprocating pump is 150mm and its stroke is 300mm. The pump runs at 50 rpm and lifts water through a height of 25m. The delivery pipe is 22m long and 100mm in diameter. Find the theoretical discharge and the theoretical power required to run the pump. If the actual discharge is 4.2 1/s, find the % slip. Also determine the acceleration head at the beginning and middle of the delivery stroke.
18.   The outer diameter of an impeller of a centrifugal pump is 40cm and outlet width 5cm. The pump is running at 800 rpm and is working against a total head of 15m. The vane angle at outlet is 40° and manometric efficiency id 75% Determine:
(a) Velocity of flow at outlet
(b) velocity of water leaving the vane, and
(c) angle made by the absolute velocity at outlet with the direction of motion at outlet, and
(d) discharge.

19.   A Pelton wheel is to be designed for the following specifications: Power = 16kW, Head = 380m, Speed = 750 rpm. Overall efficiency = 86%, jet diameter is not exceed one sixth of the wheel diameter. Determine:

(a) the wheel diameter 
(b) No of jets required, and
(c) Diameter of the jet. Take coefficient velocity as 0.985 and speed ratio as 0.45.
20.   A Francis turbine has inner diameter of wheel, 0.6 times the outer diameter. Water enters the turbine at 12° tangents to the wheel. Blade angles are radial at inlet. Velocity of flow is constant through the turbine and is 2.5m/sec. Speed of the runner is 280 rpm. The width of the wheel at the inlet is 10cm. 5% of area of the flow is blocked by the runner blades. Determine:
(a) Working head,
(b) diameters at inlet and outlet,
(c) blade angle at outlet,
(d) power produced.

Engineering Mathematics – IV

(Established under section 3 of UGC Act, 1956)

Course & Branch: B.E /B.Tech- Common to ALL Branches
Title of the paper: Engineering Mathematics – IV
Semester: IV                                                               Max. Marks: 80     
Sub.Code: 6C0054/401                                             Time: 3 Hours
Date: 22-04-2008                                                         Session: FN       

                                                PART – A                       (10 x 2 = 20)
Answer All the Questions
1.     Find Fourier series given f(x) = x in - p £ x £ p.

2.     Define complex form of Fourier Series.

3.     Form Partial differential equation by eliminating ‘f’ from
z = f(x3 – y3)

4.     Find the complete solution of

5.     State any two assumptions in the derivation of one dimensional wave equation.

6.     Define a2 in ut = a2 uxx.

7.     State the two dimensional heat equation in Cartesian as well as polar co-ordinates.

8.     Write the three positive solutions of the Laplace equation in polar co-ordinates.

9.     State Convolution Theorem of Fourier Transform.
10.   If F{f(x)} =  then Prove that

PART – B                       (5 x 12 = 60)
Answer All the Questions

11.   Find the fourier Series expansion of f(x) of period ‘l’.
        Hence deduce the sum of the series
12.   Find first three harmonics in the Fourier Series of y = f(x)

13.   Solve (y + z) p + (z + x) q = x + y.
14.   Solve (D2 – 2DD/ + D/2)z = x2 y2 ex+y where

15.   Solve ytt = a2yxx 0 £ x £ l,  t > 0 subject to y (0, t) = 0 y(l, t) = 0, yt(x, 0) = 0
16.   A rod of length 20cm has its ends A and B kept at 30°C and 90°C respectively until steady state conditions prevail. If the temperature at each end is then suddenly reduced to 0°C and maintained so, find the temperature u(x, t) at a distance ‘x’ from A, at any time ‘t’.

17.   An uniformly ling metal plate in the form of an area is enclosed between the lines y = 0 and y = p for positive values of x. The temperature is zero along the edges y = 0 and y = p and the edge at infinity. If the edge x = 0 s kept at temperature ‘ky’, find the steady state temperature distribution in the plate.
18.   A semi circular plate of radius a has its boundary dimeter kept at temperature zero and circumference at f(q) = k, 0 < q < p. Find the steady state temperature at any distribution point of the plate.

19.   Find Fourier Transform of the distribution
        Hence evaluate
20.   Find Fourier Sine and Cosine Transform of e-ax a > 0, and hence find Fourier Sine Transform of      and Fourier cosine transform of