
Saturday 10 November 2012

Engineering Chemistry

(Established under section 3 of UGC Act, 1956)

Course & Branch: B.E/ B. Tech – Common to ALL Branches
Title of the paper: Engineering Chemistry
Semester: I                                                                  Max. Marks: 80     
Sub.Code: 6C0072 (2007)                                          Time: 3 Hours
Date: 14-05-2008                                                         Session: AN      

    PART – A                   (10 x 2 = 20)
Answer All the Questions

1.     What are scales and sludges? Give its chemical composition.
2.     What is break-point chlorination?

3.     Distinguish between electrolytic and electrochemical cell.
4.     What is electromotive series? Write its significance.

5.     Why steel screws in a brass marine hardware corrode?

6.     Give any four pretreatment methods of metal surfaces before coating.

7.     What is RDX?

8.     What is liquid propellant? Give example.

9.     Define antioxidant. Give two examples.

10.   What is the use of monosodium glutamate and saccharin?

     PART – B                                  (5 x 12 = 60)
Answer All the Questions

11.   (a) Describe in detail the ion-exchange process of softening hard water?
(b) What are boiler troubles? How are they caused? Suggest steps to minimize the boiler troubles.
12.   (a) Explain the steps involved in the domestic water treatment.
(b) Explain the modern method with a neat diagram to convert sea water to soft water.

13.   (a) What is single electrode potential? How the single electrode potential of Zn is measured using saturated calomel electrode? (b) Write the applications of emf series. How the solubility of sparingly soluble salt is determined?
14.   (a) How the emf of a cell can be determined by potentiometric method?
(b) Explain potentiometric titrations using ferrous/ferric systems.

15.   (a) Differentiate chemical and electrochemical corrosion with suitable examples.
(b) Describe the mechanism of differential aeration corrosion, taking pitting as an example.
16.   (a) How do you control corrosion by proper designing and selection of materials.
(b) Explain electroless plating with a suitable example.

17.   (a) Write the classification of explosive. Give examples with uses.
(b) Write the preparation of TNT and Nitroglycerine with uses.
18.   (a) How the propellants are classified? Explain any two.
(b) Compare solid and liquid propellants.

19.   (a) Give the biochemical effects of carbon monoxide and lead.
(b) What is food additive? Why they are added? Give three examples.

20.   (a) Write note on preservatives with example.
(b) Write the risk analysis of diethyl pyrocarbonate and butylated hydroxyanisole.

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