
Saturday 25 August 2012

Computer Programming

Course & Branch: B.E/ B. Tech – IT/MECH/ETCE/ M&P/AERO/ CIVIL/BIN/BTE/BME
Title of the paper: Computer Programming
Semester: I                                                                   Max. Marks: 80     
Sub.Code: 3ET105/5ET105/6C0011                          Time: 3 Hours
Date: 15-05-2008                                                          Session: AN     

                                                PART – A                       (10 x 2 = 20)
Answer All the Questions
1.     Define booting.
2.     What is the use of grep command in Unix?

3.     What is a template?

4.     What is word processor?

5.     List out the different types of charts you can create with MS Excel.

6.     Define the term Database.

7.     What is the command to modify the structure of database?

8.     How do you create labels in Foxpro?

9.     What is conditional operator?

10.   What is meant by data types? Mention the data type supported by C.

PART – B                       (5 x 12 = 60)
Answer All the Questions

11.   List out various file and directory commands with options.
12.   (a)    How do you create batch and system files.                    (7)
        (b)   Write short notes on MS Windows.                               (5)

13.   What are the various formatting options supported by MS Word? Explain with examples.
14.   (a)    How do you create a table in MS Word?
        (b)   How do you make your presentation more animated?

15.   (a)    Write note on spread sheet components.
(b)   How do you create a bar chart for the following data using
        Ms Excel?
Male (Pass%)
Female (Pass%)
Compiler Design
Computer Networks

16.   How do you create forms and reports in MS Access?

17.   How is sorting and indexing of database done in Foxpro?
18.   How do you create and maintain database in Foxpro?

19.   (a)    Write a program to sort a set of numbers in C.              (8)
        (b)   Write notes on any three operators in C.                               (4)
20.   Write notes on for, while and do control structures in C.

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