
Wednesday 15 August 2012


5. a      ME25                          ENGINEERING MECHANICS                     3   1  0  100

At the end of this course the student should be able to understand the vectorial and scalar representation of forces and moments, static equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies both in two dimensions and also in three dimensions. Further, he should understand the principle of work and energy. He should be able to comprehend the effect of friction on equilibrium. He should be able to understand the laws of motion, the kinematics of motion and the interrelationship. He should also be able to write the dynamic equilibrium equation. All these should be achieved both conceptually and through solved examples.

UNIT I             BASICS & STATICS OF PARTICLES                                               12
Introduction – Units and Dimensions – Laws of Mechanics – Lame’s theorem, Parallelogram and triangular Law of forces – Vectors – Vectorial representation of forces and moments – Vector operations: additions, subtraction, dot product, cross product – Coplanar Forces – Resolution and Composition of forces – Equilibrium of a particle – Forces in space – Equilibrium of a particle in space – Equivalent systems of forces – Principle of transmissibility – Single equivalent force.

UNIT II            EQUILIBRIUM OF RIGID BODIES                                                    12
Free body diagram – Types of supports and their reactions – requirements of stable equilibrium – Moments and Couples – Moment of a force about a point and about an axis – Vectorial representation of moments and couples – Scalar components of a moment – Varignon’s theorem – Equilibrium of Rigid bodies in two dimensions – Equilibrium of Rigid bodies in three dimensions – Examples

UNIT III           PROPERTIES OF SURFACES AND SOLIDS                                 12
Determination of Areas and Volumes – First moment of area and the Centroid of sections – Rectangle, circle, triangle from integration – T section, I section, - Angle section, Hollow section by using standard formula – second and product moments of plane area – Rectangle, triangle, circle from integration – T section, I section, Angle section, Hollow section by using standard formula – Parallel axis theorem and perpendicular axis theorem – Polar moment of inertia – Principal moments of inertia of plane areas – Principal axes of inertia – Mass moment of inertia – Derivation of mass moment of inertia for rectangular section, prism, sphere from first principle – Relation to area moments of inertia.

UNIT IV           DYNAMICS OF PARTICLES                                                             12
Displacements, Velocity and acceleration, their relationship – Relative motion – Curvilinear motion – Newton’s law – Work Energy Equation of particles – Impulse and Momentum – Impact of elastic bodies.

Frictional force – Laws of Coloumb friction – simple contact friction – Rolling resistance – Belt friction.
Translation and Rotation of Rigid Bodies – Velocity and acceleration – General Plane motion.

1.      Beer, F.P and Johnson Jr. E.R. “Vector Mechanics for Engineers”, Vol. 1 Statics and Vol. 2 Dynamics, McGraw-Hill International Edition, (2007).


  1. Rajasekaran, S, Sankarasubramanian, G., “Fundamentals of Engineering Mechanics”, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., (2000).
  2. Hibbeller, R.C., “Engineering Mechanics”, Vol. 1 Statics, Vol. 2 Dynamics, Pearson Education Asia Pvt. Ltd., (2000).  
  3. Palanichamy, M.S., Nagam, S., “Engineering Mechanics – Statics & Dynamics”, Tata McGraw-Hill, (2001).
  4. Irving H. Shames, “Engineering Mechanics – Statics and Dynamics”, IV Edition – Pearson Education Asia Pvt. Ltd., (2003).
  5. Ashok Gupta, “Interactive Engineering Mechanics – Statics – A Virtual Tutor (CDROM)”, Pearson Education Asia Pvt., Ltd., (2002).

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