
Thursday 13 September 2012


UNIT 111

1) Define power plant.
   Power plant is an industrial system composed of machinery, equipment and structures designed to convert various energy resources into electricity on a large scale.

2) Mention some of renewable sources of energy.
  Hydro power, solar energy, wind energy and tidal or wave energy.

3) Mention some of the non renewable sources of energy.
  Non renewable sources of energy are different types of fuels which include solid, liquid and gaseous fuels.

4) What is water hammer?
   When water passes through the penstock of the hydro electric power plant, there may be sudden rise in pressure in the penstock due to the backflow of water from turbine. This sudden rise in pressure causes the water to knock the walls of the penstock and it is known as water hammer.

5) State the principle of hydro electric power plant.
  Water stored in the dam is allowed to flow under pressure to run the turbine. The turbine is coupled with the generator, it generates electric power

6) What is a solar pond?
   A solar pond is nothing but a water pond which consists of water heated with the help of solar radiations.

7) Define positive displacement pump.
  Positive displacement pump is a pump which uses the reciprocating motion exerted on the fluid, to move the fluid from lower pressure to higher pressure.

8) What is priming?
   Priming is the operation of filling up water in the suction pipe, casing and a portion of delivery valve to remove the air present inside.

9) What is cavitation?
    When the suction lift is high for centrifugal pump, a large vacuum is created at the pump inlet. The vacuum pressure falls below the vapour pressure of water forming vapour bubbles. This is called cavitation.

10) What is an impulse turbine?
    If at the inlet of the turbine, the energy available is only kinetic energy, then the turbine is called as impulse turbine.

11) What is a Reaction turbine?
    If at the inlet of the turbine, the energy available is kinetic energy and pressure energy, then the turbine is called as reaction turbine.

12) What is a draft tube?
    Draft tube is a pipe or passage which leads the water exhausted from the turbine into the tail race. Its cross section increases gradually towards the outlet. The bottom enlarged end is submerged in tail race water level.

13) What is a function of hydraulic brake in a turbine?
    When the turbine has to be brought t6o rest by closing the inlet valve of the turbine, the runner generally a very long time to come to rest due to its inertia. To bring it to rest quickly, a small brake nozzle is provided which directs a jet of water to bring the revolving runner quickly to rest.

14) What are factors to be considered ion a selection of a turbine.
     a)Specific speed
     b) Head of water
     c) Load operations

15) Define pump.
    A pump is a mechanical device which is used for moving fluids, either by physical lifting or by the force of compression.

16) State the working principle of nuclear power plant.
    Nuclear fission is the principle used in nuclear power plant which is the splitting up the nucleus of an atom into parts where enormous amount of energy is released and this energy is used to generate power.

17) State the principle of solar power plant.
    Solar radiations received on the earth surface can be converted directly or indirectly in the form of energy such as heat and electricity.

18) Mention the types of solar collectors.
     a)Flat plate collector
     b)Parabolic Concentric collectors

19) What are the advantages of steam power plant.
    a) Power plant can be located near the load centre to avoid huge transportation of coal
    b) Power can be generated continuously
    c) Power plant can withstand the varying load.

20) State the working principle of Gas turbine power plant.
    Natural gas burnt with with the compressed air supplies the necessary combustion gases to run the turbine. The turbine is coupled with the generator to produce electric power.
1) Define Heat engine?
  Heat engine is a device that converts heat energy into work by exploiting the temperature gradient between a hot source and a cold sink. Heat is transferred from the source to the sink and ion this process some amount of heat is converted into work.

2) Define an Internal combustion engine.
  In this type of engine combustion of fuel takes place within the cylinder. This type of engine includes gas engines, petrol engines and diesel engines.

3) Define stroke.
  Distance traveled by the piston while moving from T.D.C to the B.D.C is called Stroke.

4) Define power.
  Power is the work done in a given period of time. For doing the same amount of work in a less period of time more power would be required.

5) Define scavenging.
  Scavenging is the process of forcing out the burnt exhaust gases from the cylinder by admitting the fresh charge into the cylinder. This action takes place in two stroke cycle engines.

6) Define carburetion.
    In petrol engine, a mixture of air and petrol is taken in the engine cylinder during suction stroke. This process of mixing the air with petrol by vaporizing is known as carburetion.

7) Define an ignition system.
   Ignition system is used to ignite the air fuel mixture at the end of compression stroke of the petrol engine.

8) Define lubrication.
  Lubrication is the process of applying the lubricant between the surfaces of contact of the two moving parts.

9) Define a boiler.
 The function of a boiler is to evaporate water into steam at a pressure higher than the atmospheric pressure.

10) What are piston rings?
   Piston rings are those, fitted into the grooves of the piston to maintain good seal between the piston and the cylinder wall.

11) Mention the classification of boilers.
    a)Fire tube boiler
    b)Water tube boiler

12) Define fire tube boiler.
    In fire tube boilers, hot gases from the furnace pass through the tubes which are surrounded by water

13) What is water tube boilers.
    In water tube boilers, water circulates inside the tubes which are surrounded by the hot gases from the furnace.

14) Mention the classification of steam.
    Wet steam,dry steam,Super heated steam.

15) What is the difference between IC engine and steam engines?
    In IC engines combustion of fuel takes place within the cylinder but in steam engine combustion of fuel takes place outside the cylinder.

16) What is the purpose of lubrication system in an IC engine?
    a)To reduce friction between the moving parts.
    b)To minimize the vibration
    c)To reduce the wear and tear

17) What are the types of  fuel lift pumps?
    a)Mechanical fuel pump
    b)Electrical fuel pump

18) What is a carburetor?
    Carburetor is a device used for atomizing and vaporizing petrol and mixing it with air in different proportions according to the operation of the engine.

19) Define swept volume.
    The volume swept by the piston in moving from TDC to BDC is called swept volume

20) Mention some of the applications of Internal combustion engines.
    IC engines are generally used for road vehicles,locomotives,aircraft and for other industrial applications.


1) Define refrigeration.
  Refrigeration is the process of removing heat from an enclosed space or from a substance, under controlled conditions and moving the heat to an unobjectionable place.

2) State the second law of thermodynamics.
    It states that heat will not pass from a cold region to a warm one without the aid of external agent.

3) What is refrigeration?
  The process of removing heat from an area or a substance and is usually done by an artificial means of lowering the temperature.

4) Define Ton of refrigeration.
    One Ton of refrigeration is defined as the quantity of heat removed i.e., amount of refrigeration required to freeze one ton of water at 00C into ice at 00C in 24 hours.
    1 ton of refrigeration=3.5 KJ/sec

5) Define COP of a refrigerator?
   The purpose of the refrigerator is to remove heat from the cold region while requiring   as little external work as possible
             COP=Heat exerted/Work supplied

6) What are the types of refrigeration systems?
  a)Vapour compression system
  b)Vapour absorption system

7) Define air conditioning.
   Air conditioning is the process of controlling the temperature and humidity of air by heating or cooling, humidifying or dehumidifying, and filtering the atmospheric air, and thus creating a healthy and comfortable condition for human beings

8) Define moisture.
  Moisture denotes the water vapour present in the air.

9) Define humidity.
  It is a measure of amount of water vapour in air

10) Define relative humidity.
    It is the ratio of water vapour present in the given amount of air to the mass of water vapour present in the same volume under the same temperature conditions.

11) Define psychrometry.
    Psychrometry is the science which deals with the study of  the behavior of air and water vapour mixture.

12) Define Dry Bulb Temperature(DBT).
   It is the temperature of air measured by an ordinary thermometer

13) Define Wet Bulb Temperature.
    It is the temperature of air measured by thermometer when its bulb is covered with a wet cloth and is exposed to atmospheric air.

14) Define Dew point temperature.
    It is the temperature at which the moisture present in the air begins to condense.It corresponds to the saturation temperature of water vapour in the mixture of air and water vapour.

15) What are the types of air conditioner?
    a)Window air conditioner
    b)Package air conditioner
    c)Centralised air conditioner.

16) Mention the function of a compressor.
    The most important part in a refrigerator is compressor. It draws low pressure low temperature refrigerant vapour and converts into a high pressure, high temperature vapour.

17) State the main components of a refrigeration system.
   Compressor,Condensor,Throttle valve and expansion valve.

18) Define convection.
    In convection, the heat transfer is caused by molecular motion(in fluids)

19) Define radiation.
   Radiation is the transfer of heat without any medium. By radiation heat can transfer through space.

20) Define Specific heat.
   Specific heat is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of the material through one degree Fahrenheit.


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